With all my “friends” on Facebook and my “connections” on Linked-In, I am starting to question how open a person I really am. Why didn’t I share on Facebook what a wonderful experience I had at the resort Chabil Mar in Belize when I got home Thursday? That Belize for me was a luxurious experience surrounded by a landscape of realistic local culture. That I highly recommend it for a destination wedding. I’ll tell you why.

Because I wanted to call my mother. I wanted to unpack and get myself organized. I wanted to get back into my twice a day treadmill routine. My daughter came home from camp for a few days and I wanted to talk to her and do her laundry. My son is in Israel and he wanted to catch up with me. We needed food and litter for the cats. I want adequate sleep. And even though I was totally current with emails from abroad, I have clients to service, proposals to follow up on, bills to pay.

I have always aspired to be on top of whatever I do in business. At the same time, I have always taken care of myself and put my most important job, parenting first. But now, no matter how much I do, there is this void about not blogging enough, not posting on Facebook, not answering questions on Linked-In. And in my attempt to do it, I have less energy for socializing with live people and my eyes get tired from so much time on the computer.

So am I a social person? Yes. Do I love marketing and media? Yes. However I have to admit, I feel a little anti-social media.

I love it when it has a purpose. For example, I like how a well-designed Facebook Welcome Page can help a business win customers by being a “Like generator” or how a Linked-In profile that shows endorsements can build credibility. But I don’t have the patience to sift through the insignificant and overwhelming data. And I can’t help still taking the word “friend” literally.

So “friends” what do you think?