During my initial conversation with almost every client that I speak to (whether they do business with me or not), I share at least one implementable idea they can immediately incorporate to improve their business. I wrote 2 books filled with them, that I offer for free to prove my expertise. Alan Berg wrote a book filled with jewels of implementable ideas, Andy Ebon shares ideas on his marketing blog every day. I am wondering how many of the 300 + attendees at the 21st century bride conference implemented one of the ideas that were delivered in the shortened to-the-point presentations.
Yet I see so many wedding businesses that are overwhelmed by the choices or are intimidated by the learning curve to take action. My advice is to use the same logic that you expect your customers to use when hiring you. Hire a wedding industry marketing professional. The price you pay for not hiring a professional is far more costly than the money you need to invest. You are risking additional investments of time and frustration with an end result that rarely matches up to what someone with expertise and talent can do for you to bring you far more business than the financial outlay.
However, most importantly implement one idea. Now…