As a wedding professional, think about when you are working with a bride and you are presenting invitations, flowers, photography, video, limousines, bridal gowns, or tuxedos. What are the most important thoughts a bride must have about your company that helps you make a sale?
1) They like you
2) They like your work
Of course price is important to many brides but if a bride is investing in a formal ceremony and reception and you do not create this positive perception, you couldn’t give your services away. Would a bride carry a bouquet she hates, even if it is free? Would she send out an invitation that she hates, even it is free? Would a bride hire a photographer whose personality she hates, even if it is free?
The point of entry that must have a passing grade is your web site. If you want to your business to reach its potential, right now your web site is a reflection of you and your work. Many wedding businesses have web sites that were not built recently and have not been updated. Many wedding businesses websites were built by the owners themselves. In looking at thousands of wedding business web sites that are sorely in need of a makeover, I am sure most of the site owners would say they like their own site. Having high self-esteem and confidence is very important and is more important than the approval of others. The opposite is true when it comes to your web site. It is all about the approval of others.
Think about it in terms of amount of weddings booked and lost.
If you look at different web site analysis from sites like The Knot and Wedding Wire and see they drove 200 brides to your site this past month. How many more calls do you think brides would have made if they loved your site and how many brides do you think you lost because they didn’t.
A well designed site, with a look and structure that matches your intentions can make a bride like you and like your work before you even meet. An outdated site, a do it yourself site, can repel the bride before you even have the chance to have her like you and your work.
Everything you are doing to promote your business is now reliant on your web site to deliver. So do not ask yourself if you can afford to improve your web site, ask yourself how can you afford not to.