Jack be nimble, Jack be quick, Jack just missed the opportunity to network with that candlestick because he lost its phone number!

Burned. Ouch.

Ok, now, seriously, are you still flipping through your Rolodex for that oh-so-important bride-to-be you need to call? Struggling to keep up with your ever-increasing number of wedding businesses in your network? (I hope your network is increasing- wedding businesses really thrive when they connect with one another. Check out Turbo-Charge Your Networking, or  Networking in the Wedding Industry 101, to learn more about all of that.)

Then I present Nimble, an online service that promises to sync the most up-to-date contact information for all the important people in your life, like your latest couple-to-be, or vendor connection, and keep it in one place, continually updating it.

Where does Nimble gather the contact information from? Anywhere you have connections to others and their contact information. Nimble syncs contacts from your Gmail, Google+, LinkedInFacebook, and Twitter. You can use Nimble to sync from even more locations available to you through the settings dashboard.

I decided to try it out. I mean, I had to try Nimble out. You can try it for 14 days at no charge. Nice.

The only not so nice part: Nimble takes awhile to sync all of your contacts. Because of this, I would suggest setting up a Nimble account when you do not need it immediately. In retrospect, the wait time was actually reasonable considering I synced from my Gmail, Google+, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter, all at once. Yep, I was excited.

So actually, everything about Nimble was, and is, nice. After I synced my contacts, I watched one of the many instructional videos. Nimble offers these as you develop your Nimble account. I highly suggest you do watch them.  You do have the option, however, to skip them.

One of the first things I learned about Nimble is with my account I could enter keywords to customize who would show up in my “Today’s Top 3”. The “Today’s Top 3” would be a list that would show up each day I visited my account. It would include people who matched these keywords, but could also include people who had similar interests, or people I had most recently contacted.  If you’re looking to keep particular vendors close, or particular couples close, you have an easy way to program Nimble to help you out here. Major bonus. Nice.

Another thing I learned was that, with Nimble, I could schedule alerts to make sure I stayed chummy with those I really needed to. For example, you can tell Nimble to alert you when you go a week without talking to the mother of your latest bride-to-be, or that venue you are hoping to develop a solid networking relationship with. You receive the alerts when you visit your Nimble Account and they look a lot like a Facebook notification. You do not, however, have to visit your Nimble Account to utilize this feature; it can send out email alerts. Again, nice. And, speaking of alerts, Nimble will even sync with your Google Calendar. When you visit your Nimble account, your next events will appear on the right side of your homepage. I have to say that’s pretty nice too.


Nimble’s Price-tag: Business plan is $15/month, with 14-day free trial period.

Overall verdict: Nimble would be perfect for any wedding-related business to keep up on all of their important contacts.


co-authored by Theodora Kimmel