Magazine publishers have this challenge. Twenty years ago when a wedding business or stationery business advertised in a wedding magazine, proof of print would be the phone call. When I was a retailer with multiple stores, I took a full page ad in Brides and Modern Bride magazines and also had a coupon for the bride to fill out and mail to me. Magazine advertising was indeed a mainstay for my business.Unfortunately proof is now more difficult now because the bride and grooms go to websites first and then they pick up the phone. If you do not list your website you risk hurting your credibility.
That does not mean magazine advertising does not work. An attractive ad can drive customers to your website but because the customer cannot click on your website, it cannot be quantified. The only way to quantify a magazine ad is to have a unique landing page specifically for that ad or a domain name that points to your main website. This is similar to what limousine companies did when they advertised in the yellow page in multiple areas. At least this way you are playing chess with your print advertising dollars rather than rolling dice.
For example if you own and you are in Portland, Oregon, using a domain name like will allow you quantify the number of times that domain was typed in and also can actually increase the response to your ad by clearing tell the couple what you do and where you do it. There are some geographic domains still listed on my Wedding Industry Domains website.