Any wedding professional that is focused on growth should plan to attend Wedding MBA next year. In 2008, I attended the event in Phoenix and made up my mind that I would exhibit and speak the following year. I did it two weeks ago in their new venue of the Las Vegas Convention Center and exhibited both companies I am involved with, Local Traffic Builder and Encore Studios. I learned even more and madeĀ  many good contacts.

I also did a seminar on using publicity to build your own personal brand and grow your business. The seminar notes can be downloaded here.

There are so many good reasons to attend:

  • Relevant exhibitors to help your business grow
  • Speakers who really give you tips to benefit your business instead of sales pitch on what they do
  • A chance to meet and network with many wedding professionals who can learn from each other
  • A chance to recharge the battery and come back to the day to day with a fresh and hopeful outlook
  • It is only a few days but you take home a few years worth of ideas

I will be back next year to speak 9/21-23 2010 and exhibit. Check out Wedding MBA’s site.