In 1998, I wrote my third edition of “The Wedding Expert’s Guide To Sales and Marketing.” The book discusses wedding marketing strategies, wedding industry networking, bridal show participation, and has specific ideas for wedding photographers, wedding florists, wedding videographers and just about any category. Over the course of 10 years many wedding professionals purchased the book and I received some very favorable comments which were very validating. Suddenly the book sales just stopped. And I realized that so much has changed since 1998, so perhaps the age of the book was a hindrance. For example, the book does not mention anything about internet marketing. That’s a funny thing for someone that owns a company that is all about internet marketing. So what I decided to do was stop selling the book and start giving it away. My logic is that why not show people my expertise, share some timeless ideas that worked for me in the past as a retailer and perhaps I will be on their radar screen for the services I currently provide. One of the places I posted a link to download it on was but also right here on the blog is a link too.

The other day, in looking at the google analytics to analyze where our web site traffic was coming from, my partner Vanessa discovered this link. It was a book review that I never even knew existed. I was honored by the review by an obviously knowledgeable wedding industry marketing individual. The funny thing is that the article mentions that there is nothing about the internet in my book. Probably if there was, I would still be selling it.

There is a lesson here. The power of how information gets circulated on the internet is limitless and unpredictable. Because of this book review visitors have come to that may have never visited, people are reading my words and hopefully are benefiting from my ideas. Maybe that is how you got here. Thank you Brian McGovern.